How to Measure an iPad for a Case
Updated July, 2024-
With the introduction of many new, refreshed, or renamed Apple tablet models this year, it's more important than ever to know how to measure an iPad for a case. This post covers several ways to make sure you can match the Apple tablet you own to the iPad cases you're looking at. This is the most up-to-date information on how to measure an Apple tablet for an iPad folio.
This post includes the latest versions of Apple tablets including models that would fit a leather 13 iPad Pro case, leather 13 iPad Air case, leather 11 iPad Pro case and a leather 11 iPad Air case.
It also includes all Apple tablet dimensions and how to measure your tablet screen size so you'll know what size tablet you own so you can purchase the right size iPad case.
If you find this post helpful, please leave a comment and let us know so we can continue to create content like this.
In May of 2024, Apple revamped its tablet line.
The 12.9 iPad Pro became the 13-inch iPad Pro and the 13-inch iPad Air. Looking at it through the lens of protective iPad cases, cases for the old Gen 5/6 12.9 iPad Pro will fit the new 13-inch iPad Air. Whether you are looking for a sleek or rugged 13-inch iPad Pro case, you will need to purchase a new one designed for this model.
The 11 iPad Pro remains but older 11 iPad Pro cases will not fit this 2024 model. An 11-inch iPad Air model was added and cases for the older 10.9 Air fit this new Air model.
We've noticed a bit of a trend here at MacCase: Customers ordering iPad Pro cases and iPad Sleeves and then contacting us to inform us that we have shipped the wrong size. Upon checking their orders, we found we did indeed ship the size they requested. They just ordered the wrong size.
A Brief History of iPads
MacCase has been making iPad cases since Steve Jobs introduced the first one back in 2010. Throughout the history of MacCase, the problem of customers ordering the wrong size case was not an issue. What had changed that suddenly customers were ordering the wrong iPad case for their Apple tablet?
No one enjoys the process of placing an order online for any product only to receive the wrong model and then have to have it replaced with the correct one. It's a hassle for everyone involved. No accessory company wants to ship the wrong anything and have the customer be disappointed. So we thought, maybe we should do a blog post about how to measure an iPad for a case?
Before Apple created a line of iPads, there was only one model. You either had an iPad or you didn't. Buying the right iPad case was easy. It was either for the iPad or it wasn't. Oh, the good old days of 2010!
Following the product strategy of the iPods, when it came time to refresh the iPad, Apple released the iPad 2 and a smaller-sized Mini version. So now we have the original which was one size, the new iPad 2 which was slightly different, and a new smaller Mini. We went from a single iPad to 3 in one step. Yikes! Relative to how things are now, this was still the good old days!
As the iPad line grew, Apple wisely changed its naming program. They switched it up and followed the strategy of their MacBooks, naming subsequent the newer models based on the size of the screen (10.9, 11, 13 ) not on generation (iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3). Of course, they did this after releasing 3 or 4 versions of the original iPad further confusing things if you were looking for a case for an older model.
How to Measure an iPad For a Case?
The purpose of the blog is to give you some guidance in how to measure the size of your iPad so you can then purchase the correct size case. Here is the "Rosetta Stone" of how to measure an iPad for a case:
• All tablets, laptop computers and televisions are measured across the lit part of the screen diagonally.
This measurement is the size or the "name" of the product. An iPad Pro 11 will measure 11 inches when measured diagonally across the lit part of the screen.
• The measurement does not include the bezel.
If you are measuring, only measure the active part of the screen which is the part that lights up.
Consequently, a 12.9 iPad Pro will measure just under 13 inches when the screen is measured diagonally as shown in the image above. Many people think that measuring the length of the tablet will give you the correct size. This is not the case.
You may be even more confused if you try to measure the overall length or width to determine the size. Many times in the history of iPad development, Apple has kept the overall length and width of the actual tablet the same but decreased the black bezel around the screen. What effect does this have on the size of the tablet?
Again, the nomenclature of the product comes from the screen measured diagonally. It's the same system or method used to measure and sell televisions.

How to Measure a Tablet for a Case
If doesn't matter if you own an Apple or Android tablet, again like televisions, consumer electronic screens are measured diagonally across the screen from left to right. The important thing to remember is to make sure you are measuring the lit part of the screen and not the screen bezel.
Measuring the screen and including the bezel will give you a number different from what the manufacturer intended. If the lit part of the screen measures 10.9-inch and you include the .50" bezel, your measurement will result in a reading of 11.9. You'll be spending all your time looking for a case for an 11.9 tablet which doesn't exist
The manufacturer is calling that a 10.9-inch model. You'll either not find a case for it or you'll wind up ordering the wrong side protective device. Measure twice, buy once.
How Do I Know What Size Case to Get For My Tablet?
All tablet case sizes are "named" for the dimension of the lit part of the screen measured diagonally. The length of the lit part of the screen measured diagonally determines the size of the tablet.
This in turn, should also name the size of the case. If you have tablet that is 10.5", the case should also have 10.5" in the product name. Other aspects of the case name should match your tablet as well such as brand, model name, year or generation.
How to Find My iPad Measurement
Here are some tips from MacCase Chief Creative Officer Michael Santoro who has been designing cases to protect Apple portables for over 25 years:
"Early computer monitors used CRT technology which was borrowed from television. When people needed a way to describe how large the monitor was, they used the same measuring system. Like televisions and desktop monitors, the same method of measuring the screen diagonally is used to dictate laptop and tablet sizes."
"Measuring the screen diagonally will yield what the manufacturer considers the size of the computer. This way of measuring the screen to name the size is also used for tablets like Apple's. The lit part of the 13 iPad Air screen measures 13-inches when measured diagonally."
"The key thing to know about this is exactly how to measure the screen. To find the correct iPad measurement, you need to make sure you are measuring the lit part of the screen, not the black bezel that surrounds it. Make sure you turn your tablet on and when the screen lights up, measure from one lit corner diagonally across to the other as shown above."
Any website product page listing (worth their salt) should have multiple call-outs either on the images themselves, in the feature set, or somewhere in the description stating which size and which generation of that size the case is for. Again, be sure to check you're getting the right case for your iPad.
Some sites will have the iPad cases offered by size. Others will have a style and you can pick the size on the product page of that specific style. Some sites might have a combination of the two. a page like this will have the size listed multiple times throughout the text.
The point is to know what size case you need and be sure to order the correct size for your iPad. Even if you know your iPad measurements, the length, and the width, without knowing the measurement of the screen diagonally, you can still order the wrong size case or bag.
What Generation is My iPad?
If you measure the screen and it shows 12.9 inches, you have a 12.9 iPad Pro and need a case that is designed for the 12.9 iPad Pro. But there is a catch. With the 12.9 though, you have to know what generation is it. Fun, huh?
As of this writing, there have been 6 versions or generations of the 12.9 including the current m2 equipped one. Generation 1 and 2 use the same outer casing and the form factor remained the same from the first generation to the second. So a case that worked for the 1st generation model will work for the 2nd generation 12.9.
The third generation released in October of 2018, has the same size screen but the overall iPad measurements, length, width, depth, and feature set are radically different. Cases for the generation 1 and 2 12.9-inch Apple tablet will not fit the 3rd generation or 4th generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro. The size discrepancy is just too great. So if you have a 3rd generation 12.9-inch iPad, you will need a case specially designed for that model.
How do you know which generation you own? If you've purchased your 12.9 after October 2018 and there is no home button as part of the design, you have the Gen 3 12.9 model.
In March of 2020, Apple introduced the 4th generation of the 12.9 model. Accompanying this new large, top-of-the-line model was the 2nd generation of the 11-inch iPad Pro. Both these models were different enough from their predecessors to warrant new case designs to fit them. Are you having fun yet?
Let's review the differences between the 3rd and 4th generations so you'll have yet another way to know which is the best case for your iPad. From the front, the 3rd and 4th generation 12.9-inch models are the same. They both do not have a home button.
To find the visual differences between the 2 versions you need to flip the tablet over. On the rear panel, look to the upper left-hand corner. If the camera system has multiple lenses housed in a square panel, you have a 2021 5th generation or 2020 4th generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro or the 2nd generation of the 11-inch model. All use the same square camera system.
And just to make it even more confusing, in April of 2021 Apple didn't follow their own launch schedule (which is usually 18 months between updates). At this time they introduced yet another version of the 12.9-inch and 11-inch tablets which are equipped with their M1 chipset.
The good news is that the form factors or overall dimensions didn't change. This means many cases designed for the 4th gen 12.9 and 2nd gen 11 will fit these new models. Whew!
If you have this tablet and purchased it new after April 2021 you'll need a case designed for the 2021 5th generation iPad Pro 12.9-inch or the 20201 3rd generation 11-inch Apple tablet.
In the Fall of 2022, Apple released updates to their Pro models. These included a new M2 chip-set for both the 12.9 and 11 tablets. While the overall dimensions between the 2021 and the new 2022 models is exactly the same, we are still investigating whether older 2021 cases can be used seamlessly with the new M2 equipped models.
Please note that the 6th generation 2022 M2-equipped 12.9-inch iPad Pro and the 2021 5th generation version are the same overall dimensions. Cases for the 5th generation model will fit the 6th gen model no matter what year your iPad was purchased.
For the 2021 to 2020 models, there is a slight deviation in the placement of the speakers which may affect the how certain case fit. We recommend checking with your respective case manufacturer for compatibility between the 4th and 5th generations of the 12.9.
As mentioned above, in May 2024 Apple revamped its tablet line.
How to Find Which iPad Model You Own
As you go back in time, finding your iPad screen size becomes more and more difficult. Not because you cannot measure the screen the same way as described above. But because Apple didn't always use the size of the screen as the name for that particular iPad model.
So how do you find which iPad you have?
If you have an iPad that pre-dates the current 13, 11, and 10.9 sized models, you can find out which model you have, the relative size, and generation by turning it over. On the back in very, very small type will be a model number. If you search for that model number, you'll be able to find which generation iPad it is and its respective size.
If you are shopping in a traditional brick-and-mortar store, the packaging the case comes in should clearly show the size of the iPad the case is designed to hold. Now that you know how to measure an iPad for a case is to measure the screen diagonally,buying the wrong size case should be a thing of the past.
If you recently purchased an iPad, Air, or Pro, the size should be pretty fresh in your mind. The most popular, current generation of iPads includes the 13-inch Pro and Air and the smaller11" Pro and Air models.
Both the 12.9-inch and 11-inch generation iPad Pro models are the same overall dimensions as the previous generations so both generations are sometimes used interchangeably in the naming of a case. An example of this ids above- a "4th or 5th generation 12.9" case fits either model.
Links to cases for those individual sizes along with other popular iPad case sizes are below.
• iPad Leather Folio Collection
• 2024 Leather 13 iPad Pro Case
• 2024 Leather 13 iPad Air Case
• 2024 Leather 11 iPad Pro Case
• 2024 Leather 11 iPad Pro Case
• 2024 Rugged 13 iPad Pro Case
• 2024 iPad Pro 13 Case with Pencil Holder
• 2024 Rugged 11 iPad Pro Case
• 2024 iPad Pro 11 Case with Pencil Holder
• 2023 iPad Pro 12.9" (M2) Gen 5 and 6 Folio Case
• 2023 iPad Pro 11" (M2) Gen 3 and 4 Folio Case
• 2021 iPad Pro 12.9" (M1) Gen 4 Folio Case
• 2021 iPad Pro 11" (M1) Gen 2 Folio Case
• 2020 iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 4 Folio Case
• 2020 iPad Pro 11" Gen 2 Folio Case
• 2020 iPad Air 10.9" Gen 4 Folio Case
• iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 3 Folio Case (Sold Out)
• iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 3 Keyboard Cover
• iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 1 and 2 Folio Case (Sold Out)
• iPad Pro 11" Gen 1 Folio Case (Sold Out)
If you forget which of the new Apple tablet models you do own, using any of the techniques mentioned on this page for measuring the size of your iPad for a case will yield the correct results.
Still Have Questions About iPad Size, Dimensions, Generation, or Model?
Do you have a question concerning the size, dimensions, generation, or model of your iPad? Leave your question in the comments section below and we'll do our best to get you an answer.
For older models, we do recommend doing a google search using the very small serial number on the rear aluminum panel of your Apple tablet. This will pull up many reference points for iPad size, model, year, generation, dimensions, and name for your serial number.
As we stated above, Apple tablets have been around since 2010. As you can see with all the sizes and generations listed below, there is a lot of room for confusion. Hopefully, we've helped to remove some or most of your confusion.
If you found this piece insightful, helpful or of value, please leave a comment below.
Dimensions of All iPad Models and Generations
For everyone looking to just measure the length and width of their iPad to find the correct size, we have put together a chronological list of iPad sizes below. The list starts with the first iPad released in 2010 by Steve Jobs. The last models on the list are the current models available as of May 2024.
The screen sizes are also listed for cross-referencing your correct model and size. iPad Mini models have been omitted from the list as most people who own a Mini know they indeed have a Mini.
• iPad 1 ( Original model introduced by Steve Jobs on January 27th, 2010 )
Dimensions: 9.56 x 7.47 x 0.528 inch (243 x 190 x 13.4 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad 2
Dimensions: 9.5 x 7.31 x 0.346 in (240 x 186 x 8.8 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad 3
Dimensions: 9.5 x 7.31 x 0.37 in (240 x 186 x 9.4 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad 4
Dimensions: 9.5 x 7.31 x 0.37 in (240 x 186 x 9.4 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad Air ( 5th Generation )
Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.67 x 0.30 inch (240 x 169.5 x 7.5 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad Air 2 ( 6th Generation )
Dimensions: 9.4 in x 6.67 in x 0.24 inch (240 x 169.5 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( 1st Generation )
Dimensions: 12.04 x 8.69 x 0.27 inch (305.7 x 220.6 x 6.9 mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 9.7 inch iPad Pro ( 1st Generation )
Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.6 x 0.24 inch
Screen Size: 9.7
• iPad 2017
Dimensions: 9.4 x 6.6 x 0.29 inch (240 x 169.5 x 7.5 mm)
Screen Size: 9.7
• 10.5 inch iPad Pro (2017)
Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.8 x 0.24 Inch (250.6 x 174.1 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 10.5
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( 2nd Generation )
Dimensions: 12 x 8.68 x 0.27 Inch (305.7 x 220.6 x 6.9 mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( 3rd Generation )
Dimensions: 11.05 x 8.46 x .23 inch (280 x 215 x 6mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 11 inch iPad Pro ( 1st Generation, 2018 )
Dimensions: 9.75 x 7.02 x .23 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6 mm)
Screen Size: 11
• iPad Air ( 2018 )
Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.8 x .24 inch (250.6 x 174.1 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 10.5
• iPad ( 2018 )
Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.8 x .29 inch (250.6 x 174.1 x 7.5 mm)
Screen Size: 10.2
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( 4th Generation, 2020 )
Dimensions: 11.04 x 8.46 x .23 inch (280 x 215 x 6mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 11 inch iPad Pro ( 2nd Generation, 2020 )
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .23 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6 mm)
Screen Size: 11
• 10.9 inch iPad Air ( 4th Generation, 2020 )
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .24 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 10.9
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( M1 equipped, 2021 )
Dimensions: 11.04 x 8.46 x .23 inch (280 x 215 x 6mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 11 inch iPad Pro ( M1 equipped, 2021 )
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .25 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6 mm)
Screen Size: 11
• 10.9 inch iPad Air ( 2022 5th Generation )
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .24 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 10.9
• 12.9 inch iPad Pro ( M2 equipped, 2022 )
Dimensions: 11.04 x 8.46 x .23 inch (280 x 215 x 6mm)
Screen Size: 12.9
• 11 inch iPad Pro ( M2 equipped, 2022 )
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .25 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6 mm)
Screen Size: 11
• 13 inch iPad Pro ( M4 equipped, 2024 )
Dimensions: 11.09 x 8.48 x .20 inch (281.6 x 215.5 x 5.1mm)
Screen Size: 13
• 13 inch iPad Air ( M2 equipped, 2024 )
Dimensions: 11.04 x 8.46 x .24 inch (280.6 x 214.9 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 13
• 11 inch iPad Pro ( M4 equipped, 2024)
Dimensions: 9.83 x 6.99 x .21 inch (249.7 x 178.5 x 5.3 mm)
Screen Size: 11
• 11 inch iPad Air ( M2 equipped, 2024)
Dimensions: 9.74 x 7.02 x .24 inch (247.6 x 178.5 x 6.1 mm)
Screen Size: 11
Additional FAQs -
How do I find out what size my iPad is?
The best way to know what size iPad you have is to measure the lit screen diagonally from corner to corner. This will tell you the size. But you might also need to know which generation of that size you have. This can be achieved by searching for the serial number.
How do you measure the size of a screen?
Almost all consumer electronic devices in including televisions, computer monitors, tablets, and phones measure the screen size by the width of the lit screen measured diagonally.
How do you measure the size of a tablet case?
A tablet case is best measured by doing some research on the case either before you make a purchase or afterward. The size of the tablet case should be in the name or description of the product. Another option would be to place the tablet it's designed to hold in the case and measure the tablet screen.
Are all iPads the same size?
The short answer is no, all iPads are not the same size. Apple has been making tablets since 2010. In that time, their tablet line up has grown from a single model to an entire product lineup including a standard model, a Pro model, Air models, and a mini model. All of these are different sizes
Marylou Oudshoff said:
Need help, I don’t know what generation my iPad
Is, am not sure what year I bought it. Need a cover for protection, the one that came with it fell apart. Thanks
Jody said:
Mary -
Thanks for your inquiry about how to measure and iPad for a case, or in your situation, which iPad you own.
If you look on the back there should be a serial number.
If you google that serial number, one of the sites that come up will tell you which iPad model you have.
Please let me know if you have any questions about choosing a better quality case!
Cindy Wilson, NP said:
Lovely Blog Post! Very informative and well written. Thank you.
Off to purchase a case and keyboard.
Jody said:
Cindy – Thank you so much for your kind words.
We hope you like our products even more than you like our blog post about how to measure an iPad for a case.
Thanks again and please let us know what you think of the Folio once it arrives.
Tom Nickell said:
Very helpful!!! Thank you!
Jody said:
Tom- Thanks for letting us know. I’m glad it was beneficial to you!
Ron W said:
There must have been a size change from the 1st and 2nd generation iPads and the current iPad. My wife has a 1st generation with a 9.7 diagonal screen. She ordered a new case and it doesn’t fit. Her iPad is 7.25 in wide and the case is about 6.6 in wide. So ordering by diagonal doesn’t work for older versions. Are cases still available for old iPad?
Mari said:
Is your iPad Pro 12.9 back cover that is compatible with Apple’s Smart Keyboard for the 3rd generation model, which allows charging of the pencil? Thank you, M
Jody said:
The problem is Apple made several series of iPads whose screens measured 9.7 diagonally. This is the cause of great consternation when trying to fit a case. They left the screen 9.7 but moved other things around and may have even changed the overall dimensions as you have found out.
This is why we have made mention of doing a search by the serial number as well as measuring the screen diagonally. If you have a question about how a particular MacCase model might fit, I would suggest calling us at 760 729 0620 and speaking with a product specialist.
MacCase has been through every generation of iPad since they came out in 2010. We’ve made cases for every single one in one form or another. We might not have an old case left, but at least you’ll be speaking with someone whose been around the iPad universe.
Thanks for your feedback.
Jody said:
Mari- The current one we have available on our site is just for the Gen 1/2 12.9. We should have the 2018 Gen 3 12.9 back cover in stock in about 2 weeks. Check back then. Thanks
Mortimer said:
My IPad Pro measures 10.875” diagonally ?
Actual width is 9.75”
Model MU202LL/A
What gives ?
Jody said:
Mortimer- With a diagonal screen measurement of 10.875, if you round up you have an 11" iPad Pro, the latest model. Doing a search using your model serial number, Model MU202LL/A confirms that you have the latest 11" iPad Pro. If you’re looking for an excellent case to protect and transport it, have a look at this –
Larry said:
I have an iPad Pro 2018 – 11” with a matching Brydge keyboard. Do you have a sleeve to fit the unit with the keyboard attached?
Jody said:
Larry- Thanks for your question.
There is no way we can design our products around the ever- changing 3rd party accessories available for the iPad.
One option would be to go with with a 12.9 Sleeve. This will give you the room for the stack height created by the keyboard and the overall size is not that much bigger than the 11" Sleeve.
Dimple said:
I have a 5th generation iPad with 12.4 version model # MPGT2LL/A it measures 9.7 and I can’t find a cover for it my old one is falling apart. Please help me find a cover for it. Thanks!
Jody said:
You need a case for the 9.7.
The MacCase 9.7 case 9.7 model can be seen here –
Or choose > Premium Leather in the navigator at the top of the page and scroll down to the second row of products. You’ll find the 9.7 listed there. Click the image to explore that model.
The great thing about choosing a MacCase Premium Leather iPad 9.7 Folio for your Apple tablet is you’ll never have to worry about your case falling apart ever again!
MacCase Folios replace the experience of buying case after case with one of purchasing a beautiful and DURABLE case that you’ll be proud to own.
Thank you for your question.
Randall Corgan said:
I ordered and received a leather case for my 3rd Gen 12.9” iPad Pro. The case won’t close. The extra height for the Apple Pencil at the top of my current keyboard case adds too much height.
I am considering purchasing the “Brydge” keyboard case if it fits the “Premium Leather iPad Pro Briefcase? Will “Brydge case/keyboard 12.9 fit?
Girman Anne said:
Can’t find a case for iPad Air bought 5-13-14. It is model MD788LL/A.
Shane White said:
I have the new 10.2" IPad 7th generation. What size case is available? It was the only one I couldn’t find
Jody said:
Mari- Yes, the new iPad Pro 12.9 Keyboard Cover allows the Apple Pencil to be charged when in use and when not in use. More importantly, our cover provides protection for the Pencil at all times, which Apple’s keyboard does not. Here is a link to the Premium Leather Keyboard Cover page –
Jody said:
Randall – Regarding the fit of the Brydge Keyboard case in our Premium Leather iPad Pro Briefcase, the answer is, it depends.
The case was designed to hold the 12.9 iPad Pro with the Apple Keyboard. If the Brydge keyboard is the same overall stack height as the Apple model, then it should fit. If the Brydge model is thicker, then the fit might be too tight.
If you are still unsure, I would order the Briefcase and try it out. It will stretch a bit (a stack of magazines can be used to stretch the leather).
Here is a link back to the Briefcase page –
Jody said:
Anne – “Can’t find a case for iPad Air bought 5-13-14. It is model MD788LL/A.”
This is the first generation iPad Air model. At this point it’s 6 years old. We made a case for this model when this model was new and had inventory for that model until it sold out.
Once an iPad model is discontinued by Apple we continue to carry the cases for it until the inventory is depleted. At that point, it is not financially feasible due to minimum production requiremments to continue making a case for a model that has been replaced.
Typically, our “last generation” inventory lasts many months. This can currently be seen with our continued sales of the first generation 12.9 case and the iPad Air 2 cases we offer. I wish we had an Air 1 case left to sell you! :-)
One option would be to go with a Sleeve. Good luck in your search.
Jody said:
Shane – “I have the new 10.2” IPad 7th generation. What size case is available? It was the only one I couldn’t find"
We are currently studying the case for creating a case for the 10.2. The problem is that the 9.7, the model the 10.2 replaced was our slowest seller. We have not had many inquires for a 10.2 model other than yours.
It becomes difficult to assign resources to a design, engineering and production program for a model that might not sell.
We do have a Sleeve available for the 10.2. While I understand a Sleeve is not the same as one of our Folios, they do provide excellent protection.
If there are other 10.2 owners who wold like us a to a 10.2 Folio, please leave your comments below and let us know.
Lois brucker said:
I measured m’y iPad and it ils 9.11 across thé top!iIs it possible For me to get One that size? Thanks!
Jody said:
Lois -
Thank you for your question. Regarding how you measured your iPad, the key to getting the correct size is to measure your iPad diagonally across the lit part of the screen. This is the size of record.
As far as I know, Apple has not made a 9.11" iPad. They have made a 9.7" model. This size comes from measuring the lit part of the screen from one corner to the other diagonally. Again, you mentioned you measured yours across the top.
You can check our dimensional listings for all iPad models and see which model matches a 9.11" width.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks again.
peter said:
Thanks – great site; have a question- my ipad screen is 9.6" dia corner to dia corner; can you help and tell me which type Ipad I have and lightweight case needed? Can I buy from you? Many thanks / peter
Jody said:
Thanks for your question.
While Apple didn’t make a 9.6 iPad, they have made a 9.7. Given that rulers are not divided into 10ths of an inch, I’m going to assume you have a 9.7, not a 9.6.
Given that, we just sold our last 9.7 Folio yesterday.
Apple has replaced the 9.7 with the 10.2. Once any of our models sell out for discontinued Apple hardware, we do not put them back into production.
Everything else we make would be designed for larger iPads 11 or 12.9. It really depends on what your needs are.
If you need a case for transport only, something we make will work. If you want a cover or folio style case that stays attached to the iPad, that is the model that just sold out.
Cristina Vegas said:
😂. Too bad I found your article after and not before I sent an angry email to Apple for having sent me the 11” instead of the 12.9” I bought from them! Did they ever mention that the measurement is diagonal like a TV monitor? I do not remember hearing that so today I looked at my old (1st generation 12..9” iPad… looked at my 5th generation iPad and. The size did not look right. I measured the width and… it was not 12,9”!
🤣I was really irate… oh well. Thank you for your well written and instructive article.
Jody said:
I’m sorry hear of your issue with Apple. We’re glad you found our piece. Better late and never. :-) Be sure to share it with anyone you know who might be in a similar situation regarding iPad size and how they are measured. Thanks for taking the time to share your story.
A.D.Patel said:
Looking for cover for my IPad Model-MYL92B/A. serialDMRDKLTSQ1GC. What size of cover to choose. In market there are 12.9 inc & 10.9 inch Please guide
Jody said:
A.D. The IPad Model-MYL92B/A is an 8th generation 10.2 model. When doing a search for a case or cover, you need to make sure what you are purchasing is for an 8th gen 10.2. The listing should clearly state that the case is for a 10.2 (8th gen).
At the current time, MacCase doesn’t make a folio style case for the 10.2 but we do have a rear cover that can be seen here -
We also have a leather sleeve that will fit the 10.2 which can be seen here -
Thank you for your question. I hope this information helps!
Barry said:
Hi, I was a very happy customer of Mac Case several years ago but then stopped buying Mac Case products because the company stopped making cases for me. I’ve always purchased iPad Minis—virtually every generation that Apple has come out with (currently the 6th). You once (maybe it was for the 1st and 2nd gen iPad Minis) did make cases for the 8.3 screens on these models but then felt the market wasn’t sufficient to continue doing it. And, during all of these years, Apple has kept selling Minis since the market clearly is there for them.
So, my question: do you or will you now make a case for the iPad mini? The leather cases I used to get were gorgeous. Michael is a wonderfully talented designer. I’d love to be a Mac Case customer again.
Thank you.
Siobhan Jiron said:
Dear owner, Thanks for the well written post!
Jody said:
Siobhan -
You’re very welcome. Thank you for the kind words.
Jody said:
Barry -
Currently we do not make a case for the iPad Mini. When we were making them and you were buying them, they were a new thing and a small line extension for Apple. Customers were calling and writing wanting a MacCase Folio for their Mini!
As the iPad line grew and new, more feature-filled models were introduced, the Mini buyers stopped calling and case sales fell. iPad MInis became more of an entry level model compared to their “Pro” cousins.
Pro customers were now calling and writing telling us what features they wanted in a case. Because of their lower price points, Mini owners migrated away from quality cases to entry level, disposable options.
Every once in a while we do get a call from someone looking for a MacCase for a Mini. We just wish the market was still there.
Sherrie Goorley said:
I need to buy a cover for my old iPad. The Model number is A1954. What do I get. Thanks for any help.
Temeka Noskowski said:
Hello webmaster, Great post!
Tammie Cook said:
I currently own 12.9” 2nd generation iPad Pro. I am having trouble finding a case to fit it. I see you offer it, but it’s sold out. Will you be restocking it?
Thank you1
Jody said:
Sherrie – “A1954” is a 2018 6th generation base model iPad. I would do a search to see who has a case left for this older model. Good luck!
Jody said:
Tammie -
Once we sell out of a legacy model, it is not restocked. We are able to create a custom version of the Gen 2 Folio as part of our Custom Program if we still have stock of the tray that holds the iPad.
You can learn more about our Custom Program here -
If you make a submission to the program, we’ll check and let you know on the availability of the tray. Thank you for your interest and please keep us in mind for any future needs.
Chris A said:
I cannot decipher how to match the iPad to the exterior. Please send help asap!
Jody said:
Chris call us and we discussed how to find her model of iPad so we could match her with the best case. Thanks Chris!
Sean C Johnston said:
This entire article is WRONG. The Ipad Pro 2nd gen, 12.9 screen measures to 14-1/2”. Period. I have purchased as directed 5 cases and all had to be returned. I have a Otter box that fits it. It is damaged. Stop putting out bogus bs. The internet is alive with thousands of people buying and returning. Over and over. The case is 14.5”. Not 12.9. And the bezel is not EVER the problem. It is the frame of the device. Research before you publish. I’m an old engineer. I unfortunately know. Best Buy is losing their mind on returns.
Jody said:
Sean -
Thank you for your impassioned and well-intentioned comment, but I must respectfully disagree with you that the entire article is wrong. To the contrary, all consumer electronic device screens are measured diagonally and it’s the LIT part of the screen that matters. The LIT part designates the size yet you never acknowledged this in your comment. You are correct in that the Gen 2 iPad Pro 12.9 screen measures 14.5". This includes the bezel. However, the bezel is not counted as part of the screen size when designating the size of a tablet, phone, television, desktop monitor, etc. If you measure the lit part of the iPad Pro 12.9 screen, you will see it’s just under 13 inches or 12.9 inches. This is why the 12.9 is called the 12.9. The tablet’s name is derived from the lit part of the screen measured diagonally. Any subsequent case designed to fit it will reference this screen measurement as well. The iPad cases sold on our website all use this reference and have done so since iPads were introduced. To fit a 12.9 or 13 iPad Pro, a case has to account for the bezel around the screen and any offset the case designer is using to protect the tablet. The overall dimensions of the case and the overall size of the screen are irrelevant when it comes to fitting an iPad to the correct size case. What matters is the dimension of the lit part of the screen and the generation of the device. I would guess that the 5 cases you had to return were all for the 3rd, 4th or 5th generation 12.9 iPad Pros, not your 2nd gen tablet. This would cause the frustration you have experienced. These later designs would not fit your Gen 2 12.9. Yes, those cases were advertised as being for the 12.9, but you then have to know what generation 12.9 you own. We created this article to solve this problem. It has worked brilliantly for the tens of thousands of people who have visited and avoided ordering the wrong case because of the information being shared. If the internet is alive with thousands of people buying and returning cases, it’s only because they have not read this article yet. Thanks again for your comment.